Mr. KRISHNA YAMUNAPPA POOJARA of III B.Sc. has attended 21 days winter school in Mathematics from 4th Dec. to 24th Dec. 2016, at Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur.
Mr. KRISHNA YAMUNAPPA POOJARA of III B.Sc. has attended 21 days winter school in Mathematics from 4th Dec. to 24th Dec. 2016, at Central University of Tamilnadu, Thiruvarur. This programme was funded by National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), DAE & Central University of Tamilnadu.He has also attended a week long Mini MTTS (Mathematics Training and Talent Search) at Yadava College – Madhurai, Tamilnadu between 28th Nov to 3rd Dec. 2016. This program was also funded by NBHM.